New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Why aren't modern programming languages like Rust more legible?

Ask HN: Why aren't modern programming languages, like Rust, more legible?
19 by misswaterfairy | 10 comments on Hacker News.
This is a question I've often wondered, and am perhaps asking now out of sheer frustration. I have ADHD, of which my particular 'mutation' of ADHD makes it difficult to read and absorb written text. I'm not afraid of programming in general, being a data analyst by trade I often use Python and SQL in my day job. I've trained on Java, and C# (though admittedly with some difficulty) and had dabbled in Delphi (Object Pascal) and Visual Basic as a little girl so the concept of programming isn't new to me. Perhaps the 'low-level-nes' of Rust, a language I would love to learn, is new to me which is perhaps one of the reasons I'm having some trouble understanding it. I'm struggling with heavy implementations of symbols, and perhaps 'shorthand' reserved keywords in languages like Rust, C++ and to some extent JavaScript; I find they aren't as readable as 'higher level' languages like Python. Given that Rust is one of the newer languages on the block, Python is 21 years it's senior, was the syntax of Rust determined by performance factors or because of it's 'low-level-ness'? Are languages like Python and SQL more legible because they're interpreted and compiled into bytecode, rather than just compiled into specific machine code? Or is it purely a decision of the language's developer? This question is focused on Rust specifically, given that's a newer language, perhaps wondering why it didn't adopt some of the design principles of easier to read languages, though I am certainly not singling it out. Are there ADHD friendly tutorials/books on Rust?

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