New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Hybrid/Remote software team rituals

Ask HN: Hybrid/Remote software team rituals
9 by codemac | 2 comments on Hacker News.
Hi HN! I'm curious what unexpected team rituals have been helpful for your software development teams as you've been working remotely. Rituals that are expected: - everyone on the team writing up weekly summaries. - record every video conference - have lots of 1:1 meetings to maintain relationships Rituals that have been unexpected: - Posting once a week about what I did for fun over the weekend, usually with photos. - Setting up longer phone call 1:1s where both attendees are walking. I think the future of our working relationships will be increasingly remote, but I'm struggling to see interesting creativity for tightly integrated dev teams. If new ways of working aren't established, I struggle to see how remote teams will compete with teams that meet in person on a weekly/daily basis.

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