New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Why Blog at All?

Ask HN: Why Blog at All?
20 by pragmatic1 | 14 comments on Hacker News.
Why bother at all with a blog and/or public presence at all? The last few days I have noticed quite a few HN posts about developer blogs. I used to blog and maintain a decent open source presence online, but the last couple years I have completely withdrawn from the public. I deleted my Github profile, took my blog offline, removed all professional network accounts, etc. It wasn't for the lack of success. I have no idea how many readers or followers I had, but some of my security related posts made it into more "serious" media and elsewhere. I think it boiled down to a realization that no one really gave a damn about me, my writing/work/creations/etc. So then, what's the point? Is it entirely ego driven? Chasing dopamine hits when your post or your project is tweeted about? The last few years I have been creating things entirely in the dark. It has been so freeing. Not creating to be talked about. Not creating something to hold it up and say look at what I did. I finally got the feeling back. The one you got when you first started programming. It's wonderful.

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