New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Are paradigm shifting breakthroughs rarer or is it a bias in my eyes?

Ask HN: Are paradigm shifting breakthroughs rarer or is it a bias in my eyes?
17 by newyankee | 30 comments on Hacker News.
I feel that 10+ years back there used to be a lot of talk of a lot of technologies that would change the world following in the footsteps of Moore's law (although a bit more slowly). In the decade since a lot of exciting developments have happened. Smartphones have become cheaper, world is so much more connected, EVs looking to finally breakthrough etc. However exponential tech that takes us to something like 'singularity' does not seem to come up any more. Most growth is incremental and we hype every single Lab output with rarely seeing commercial breakthroughs. I was personally always excited about material science breakthroughs using graphene etc. but seems like it is difficult to manufacture at scale even today. Any specific tech or breakthrough you are personally waiting for coming to fruition ?

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