New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Random upper back pain is ruining my life. At wits end. Anyone else?

Ask HN: Random upper back pain is ruining my life. At wits end. Anyone else?
3 by anm89 | 2 comments on Hacker News.
I'm writing in total desperation. I feel like I can't make it through another day of meaningless, constant back pain. I've had it on and off for 7 years now, since I was 24 (now 31) It's this weird vibrating, tingling, burning, muscle sore combination that moves between the left side of my neck, under my shoulder blade, my left trap, and sort of out to the back of my ribs right below my shoulder blade. The pain moves around and sometimes I'll get a similar feeling on the other side of my body which makes it all the more confusing. I've been to doctor after doctor after doctor and I have absolute no more info then when I started. I'm on the verge of quitting my job because I feel like I can't go through another day tomorrow. The only thing I've ever correlated with more or less pain is how hydrated I am (ie less pain if more hydrated) and even that is pretty loose. Has anybody ever gone through anything like this? Has any body ever gotten over it or am I doomed to this for life?

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